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The Memories of Golf

Updated: Jun 21, 2021

I don't really believe that memories fade. Sometimes when you wanted to forget something, you just placed it in a pit deeper than you usually dig. Perhaps when you moved on, you just forgot where the pits were, or you just did a great job covering them with decomposed leaves or shrubs. And some other times, when the memories aren't harmful, they just lie dormant, in a long slumber waiting for the hibernation period to be over. To wake it up, you just need even a tiny bit of kick in the form of event or anything. I have just realised of that because of the three-hundred rupiahs.

If you are to be offered a thousand rupiah note, or 3 coins of one-hundred rupiah, which one would you like to choose? As a late 90s kid standpoint, a thousand is far more superior than the latter, moreover, if it's for free, now T&C involved. That is what I was thinking, and believing for the 22-year perhaps. A daily allowance of a thousand rupiah is preferable compared to the inferior value of the other. Early in every week, in Monday to be exact, I was always get the Rp 1000, and for the rest of the week, I got the Rp 300, and in some other times, I had it make it last for two days instead of one, turning it into a two-day allowance. The vivid memory of happiness by having the 1000 once a week always fulfill my head for over two decades, because value is important, significant, no matter what the discussion is. Until it happened, the sudden kick to woken up the slumbering memory of the 300. In an instant, I was, and am grateful for the uncountable 300 I had. I realised that it thought me about humility, and the way of life to feel enough. As a wise man said, 'Being rich is not really about wealth, it is about being enough with what we have'. Not taking granted, but appreciating the value of every little, even tiny bits that we have. I will always cherish the moment of having a thousand rupiahs note on the clasp of my hand in late 90s Monday. But, turns out, the 300 helped me to nurture what I was as I am right now as well.

In the memories of one of the most caring person I have ever met,

- Southampton, 20 June 2021 (just two days after)

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